Management Systems


AIB international (an acronym for American Institute of Baking) is a leading Organization in areas of Food Safety Inspections, Audits, Certification, Food Safety Education & Research and Technical Services.

AIB International has a comprehensive list of Audits and Inspection, which includes its most prominent GMP Inspections, which is based on a set of Consolidated Standards that mentions measures of a superior food safety program and is Recognized by Leading Food Companies.

American Institute of Baking (AIB) offers a variety of different services, including inspections, audits, consulting, and training. Each of these services can be used to assess different types of risks.

  • Inspections : AIB inspectors can assess the risk of food safety hazards in a bakery or other food processing facility.
  • Audits : AIB auditors can assess the risk of quality control problems in a bakery or other food processing facility.
  • Consulting : AIB consultants can help bakeries and other food processing facilities identify and mitigate risks associated with their operations.
  • Training : AIB training courses can help bakery and food processing employees understand and mitigate risks associated with their jobs.