Corporate Training


HACCP is acronym to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, which is at large a systematic preventive approach to food safety. Though it can be used at all segments in a food chain, it is better applied at a production stage to prevent biological, chemical and/or physical hazards that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and helps in designing a framework to reduce these risks to a safe level. HACCP also extends its scope in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Advantages of HACCP

  • HACCP with its risk assessment systems help organization to allocate resources efficiently in establishing and auditing safe food production practices
  • HACCP helps organizations in scientific manner to phase out unsafe practices
  • HACCP increases credibility of the organization amongst end users
  • HACCP establishes plan of action for corrective actions in case of deviation in process at any stage, which helps organizations in savings on time and monetary front
  • HACCP establishes a control system for entire process in terms of critical control points
  • HACCP establishes an efficient record keeping system


  • We provide training to employees of the organization in accordance to the Standard in terms of Documentation of Activities, Recording Data, Analyzing Data, Review of Records, Management Reviews, Measurement and Monitoring of Processes and Corrective & Preventive Actions.
  • We provide Internal Audit Training to Function Heads in the Organization/Designated Staff Personnel. Through Internal Audit training, Employees get conversant to the System as well as cross functional activities, which would in turn is beneficial to the Organization.